Wednesday 7 December 2011

Revision on TV DRAMA

Section A:
30 minutes to watch a clip (4 times) and make notes.
40-45 minutes to write your response.

Construct representations:
  • camera shots, angles, movements and compositions
  • sound
  • mise-en-scene
  • editing
Possible Approach to exam response:
  • strucuture your notes around the micro concepts (camera,editing, mise-en-scene,sound) to ensure you cover lots of detailed examples
  • pick 3/4 key points in the clip and structure detailed analysis around how the micro features are used in those sections of dramas
Note taking technique:





Todorov Narrative theory
Disequilibrium- the period of instability and insecurity in a films narrative.
Equilibrium- a state of peace and calm, which often exists at the beginning of a films narrative.
Enigma- the question or mystery that is posed within a films narrative.
Iconography- the objects within a film that are used to evoke particular meanings.

Realism- do the different techniques used work to make the piece realistic?
Verisimiltude- the construction of a believable world
stereotypes- how we expect people and places to be
Protagonist- is the main character (central/primary personal figure), around whome the events of the narratives plot revolve and with whom the audience is intended to identify most with. Alos know as the hero.
Antagonist- opponent, competitor, enemy, rival; is a character/ group of characters, that represents the opposition against which the protagonsit must contend. In other words, ' A person, or a group of people who oppose the main character, or the main characters. Also know as the villain.
'The iconography of the set design such as the space-ships helps to create verisimilitude within the diegesis, this also reflects the genre'

Connotations fit well with mise-en-scene!

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