Wednesday 5 October 2011

Sound: Micro Elements

Sound in Tv Drama
  • has the power to create certain moods
  • create character
  • signal events that are about to happen
  • the power of music is to manipulates audiences emotions.

The entire soundtrack is comprised of three essential ingredients:
  • the human voice/dialogue
  • sound effects
  • music
Types of sound:
the world of the TV programme we see on screen is called the DIEGESIS(basically the tv world)

Two main types of sound in TV Dramas- Diegetic and Non-Diegetic

Diegetic- the sound is part of the programmes world (diagesis) and can be dialogue/speech, footsteps and effects with a source. (slightly more natural sounds)

Non-Diegetic- takes place outside of the diagesis/world of the story. Usually placed on later in the post-production process, eg-music and sountrack. Such sounds are included as to provide an appropraite emotion or mood. Foley Sound is the reproduction of everyday sounds for use of film making, eg- swishing of clothing or footsteps or breaking glass. Not supposed to be noticiable, goes as being a natural sound.

Dialogue-modes of address-
Voice Over- in TV dramas usually used as a narrative device. First person narration. The voice over can also allow us information about the central character and build his/her representation. They can also allow us privileged information- so sometimes we will know more than other characters on screen, creating drama.

Direct Address- when the characters on screen directly address the audience. Its an alternative to voice over. Rarely used in TV dramas, but when it is, its mainly for humour.

Importance of music in TV Dramas-
The soundtrack/store in tv drama is ofen used to tell the audience how we should be feeling, whether this is sad, happy, scared or amused. The use of music is a convention of TV Drama.

Incidental music-
This incidental music is used to add emotion and rhythm to a drama. Usually not meant to be noticeable. Often provides a tone or and emotional attitude toward the story and/or the characters depicited. In addition background music often foreshadows a change in mood. Incidental music may aid viewer in understanding the link between certain scenes. A sound motif (particualr music theme) assoctiaed with a film, eg- jaws, dun dun dun dun dun music.

Parallel and Contrapuntal sounds-
sounds can be used in one of two ways
1) Parallel sound- when we watch a TV drama the sound we hear usually compliments and follows what we see on screen. Eg- fast paced, loud music in a chase/action scene.
2) Contrapuntal sound- is sound that does not fit the images we see on screen. usually to create an effect.

Either a brief crescendo stab of music used to enhance the drama or current situation just before a change of scene. ('dramatic sting' in this case)
A brief comical stab on music to enhance a punch line at the end of a scene.

Ambient sound-
also known as natural sound- the sound occuring in the area where they shoot the drama. it is often used or created in dramas to create verisimilitude.

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